Happy National App Day: December 11th

Happy National App Day: December 11th

Even though the word App is relatively new, it has become popular in everyday terminology as its uses have changed lives in the modern world. Almost all mobile phones are now smartphones, […]

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Dec 7 – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Dec 7 – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

December 7th, 2018, is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. It marks the 78th year since the tremendous military disaster that brought America into World War II. It’s a time for somber reflection […]

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Threat Advisory: SamSam Ransomware

Threat Advisory: SamSam Ransomware

SamSam Ransomware is becoming a massive problem for multiple industries across the United States. In fact, the problem is so big that The Department of Homeland Security, (DHS), National Cybersecurity and Communications […]

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Amazon in Healthcare?

Amazon in Healthcare?

Since January's announcement that Amazon, JP Morgan and Berkshire Hathaway would come together to form a healthcare company specifically for their employees, speculation about Amazon's possible future role in the American healthcare industry has run rampant.

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The Financial Benefits Of Uninterrupted Uptime

The Financial Benefits Of Uninterrupted Uptime

Uptime: it's one of the most important words in the IT industry. Every company is striving for the key goal of uninterrupted uptime: the ability to successfully navigate all day, every day at work without having to worry that your systems are going to go down. In spite of that desire for unlimited uptime, however, many businesses fail to realize the full cost benefits of unlimited uptime--or how to go about acquiring it. 

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Does Your Company Have Adequate Cyber Insurance?

Does Your Company Have Adequate Cyber Insurance?

The increase in cyber-attacks over recent years means more companies are seeking Cyber Insurance. As we hear more and more about companies such as Home Depot, Target and JPMorgan Chase & Co. among others that have had security breaches resulting in customers' sensitive and private information being revealed; cyber security has risen to become a top concern of small and large businesses alike.

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