Why Are Some Businesses Slow to Adopt Wireless Technology?

Gone are the days when rooms with computers had built-up floors, and networking a company’s system meant running a mess of cables underneath a building. The advent of Wi-Fi and computers and their ability to communicate over the airwaves have made it, so that said cords no longer need to be tethered to a fixed location.

Thanks to tech advancements, what we have today is a world of mobile computing where wireless networking allows desktop systems and portable devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones to roam freely without losing their connectivity to the local network. With all the above perks, including the improvement of wireless security over the years, why are some businesses not too keen to adopt wireless technology?

The following are examples of cybersecurity issues that concern many organizations;


Businesses that handle super-sensitive data prefer to use wired connections because it’s (arguably) the most secure type of connection. Data can be intercepted when traveling across airwaves while using a long-range antenna from a neighboring location. When information is relayed across cables, a data “bandit” would have to gain physical access to the wires to tap into them.

The lack of physical protection for wireless networks that transmit and receive data through radio waves makes them vulnerable to all kinds of unlawful cybersecurity threat issues. Businesses that are still using dated hardware that rely on rudimentary security features needs to upgrade their systems to modern protocols that offer adequate protection to the company’s IT networks.


Despite the perks offered by wireless technologies such as roaming capabilities, increased productivity, affordable installation costs, portability, flexibility, and more, there are just as many security issues and concerns. Communication vulnerabilities are on the rise, and eavesdropping is a typical example of such attacks that rely on unsecured networks to access data.

No organization will freely agree to adopt wireless technology that a hacker can easily access, intercept, modify, delete, or worse, sell sensitive company information to its competition. That is what eavesdropping is all about, and they are the worst because, unlike other forms of cybersecurity concerns, they are the most difficult to spot.

When data is conveyed through an encrypted network, a listening device or a hidden bug that has been implanted to spy on network activities or sensitive business conversations may not necessarily affect daily on goings or activities of a company. Consequently, it’s easy for hackers to launch attacks despite the safety measure that are in place to render this type of intrusion near-impossible.

The impact of corporate eavesdropping cyberattack is massive and often leads to
• Untold financial ruin when sensitive data is traded to the highest bidder
• A business will suffer significant reputation damage and lack of trust from clients and shareholders
• Eavesdropping attacks can also lead to privacy loss and identity theft when hackers use stolen credentials to carry out other crimes

Unsecured networks and weak passwords make it easy for black hatters to gain unlawful access to corporate systems; consequently, they snoop on confidential communication, monitor user data, and steal sensitive business information. To mitigate this, businesses ought to use military-grade encryption that provides encryption possibilities that make it impossible for hackers to decode private conversations or data transmission.


As the name suggests, this corporate cyber intrusion works by sending a massive amount of irrelevant information to a business site to trigger a crash that either shuts down or disables a company’s entire network. As a result, potential customers and employees are unable to access vital resources and services.

DoS attacks are targeted toward public entities such as financial institutions, broadcasting houses, E-commerce sites, government, and healthcare. While such an attack may not necessarily lead to identity theft or property loss, it does cost its victims a lot of time and money to rectify the problem.

There are various modes of DoS attacks; however, what they have in common is they leverage poorly-protected networks to exploit vulnerabilities in the victims’ systems, subsequently destabilizing business networks.

Onboarding wireless technology to your company can help your business’s bottom line. Still, you have to take proactive measures in protecting your company’s IT health in the event of a cyber intrusion. Contact us for more information on digital transformation solutions that will safeguard your valuable data.