How Outsourcing Can Help You Fix Tech Skills Gap and Get you The Best IT Services In Nashville

Key Points:

  • A major skill gap has plagued the tech industry.
  • A recent study says that businesses list talent shortage as the main barrier to adopting 64% of emerging technologies.
  • The global shortage of tech talent stems from rapid digital transformation after the pandemic, which created the need for staff that can build and maintain new IT frameworks.
  • Tech leaders say the IT talent shortage limits their businesses from achieving their big dream.
  • To relieve the tech talent gap in your business, you can outsource your IT services to an MSP and meet your tech needs now and in the future,

Hotels, restaurants, manufacturing facilities, service providers, and all businesses across every industry are facing the same troublesome challenge — tech talent shortage. Tech leaders in large and small businesses struggle to find the best IT talent to match their tech needs.

The critical skill gap is widening because of the rapid digital transformation during and after the pandemic that created the need for staff that can build and maintain new IT frameworks. Deficiencies exist in all IT disciplines, such as:

Tech Skills Shortage

Businesses Cite Tech Talent Shortage as the Main Barrier to Adoption of Emerging Technology

The worst part is that many tech leaders say that tech talent shortage is the main barrier to the adoption of emerging tech and the modernization of companies to maintain a competitive edge.

The tech talent shortage doesn’t seem to dissipate anytime soon. Your company should think of solutions to alleviate this threat to innovation.

Outsourcing IT Service to Bridge the Tech Talent Gap

If you pull other employees into areas they don’t necessarily need to have a hand in, your business will lose precious time needed for the true vision of your business.

One reliable solution for tech talent shortage is to outsource to a reliable team to manage your tech and free up your time to focus on the big picture business needs. While some businesses are initially hesitant to pass the reins, the benefits of outsourcing far outweigh the potential risks.

While each business is free to choose the time to outsource, there are signs that it could be time to outsource some of yours. The team might be the IT development department, customer support, or even the networking team.

Signs That Your Business Needs IT Outsourcing

Some signs that your business might benefit from outsourcing include:

1. When Support Ticket Flow Becomes Too Hard to Handle

When the customer ticket flow starts to overwhelm your business, there are two actions you can take:

  • Expand your IT team
  • Outsource to an IT service provider

The problem with expanding your team is that it might cost you more, especially when the increased ticket flow is seasonal. You’ll also face more difficulty finding, training, and retaining the right talent for your task. Alternatively, you can outsource to an IT service provider to lighten your workload and bring more structure to your business.

What’s great with outsourcing is that it’ll supply your business IT talent only when it needs it. If the spike in ticket flow is seasonal, you won’t need to pay for the service during the off-peak season, but you’ll have the talent available anytime you need it.

2. When You Need Many Tech Professionals Fast

Many MSPs can help you expand your team fast with the right people. Most outsourcing companies already have excellent interviewing, training, hiring, and onboarding systems.

The systems make them perfect for finding the right professionals when you need fast expansion. Since you need results and need them fast, an MSP can help you find a part-time or a full-time tech professional in time.

Alternatively, a managed IT service provider can offer you the option of scaling. MSPs know when hot seasons are coming and that your company will welcome extra IT talent. The IT company can help you have the right tech workforce regardless of the season.

3. When You Need Tech Expertise From an Outsider

When you need some tech expertise from an outsider, outsourcing is a great way to get it. Your company can seek help from outside IT companies when looking for specialized expertise by you are staffed with the right talent.

For instance, cybersecurity has become important as the reliance on internet-connected devices has increased. After examining if your in-house IT team can’t handle your cybersecurity, you find it lacking in some skill-set such as:

In such a case, you can classify which area of security you need to outsource and reach out to an MSP to offer the lacking tech aspects.

4. When Your Business Has Difficulty Executing Some Tasks

Sometimes, your business might not be good enough to handle technical IT/tech tasks or might not have the right infrastructure. In such cases, outsourcing can get things done better and more conveniently.

For instance, your IT team might have difficulties offering excellent customer support. The best option might be considering an IT company that understands how to deal with customer inquiries to improve customer support services. As a result, your business will provide better customer support without the need to train or hire a new team.

If your in-house team has a problem monitoring your network 24/7/365, you can find an IT company that can watch your IT system at any time. You’ll have confidence that your systems are continuously online and function as they’re supposed to.

Kraft Technology Group Will Fix the Tech Skills Gap in Your Business

Many businesses have problems filling in the tech skills gap, but Kraft Technology Group can help you fix the problem. We’ve built a team with your business’s tech skills and can help you find a part-time or full-time placement of system engineers and other tech professionals.

As your managed IT services company, we’ll work with you to ensure you have the IT skills and services you need. Contact us today to fill in the vacant IT position in your team.