Real Estate Firm Relies On Kraft Technology Group For Expert IT Support

This client is a real estate management firm operating in Nashville Tennessee. They manage residential multi-family properties as well as commercial properties such as strip centers and office buildings.

With three staff members, this real estate firm’s IT needs are straightforward but nevertheless important. They rely on Kraft Technology Group to ensure their technology is functional, cost-effective, and secure.

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Why This Real Estate Firm Relies On Kraft Technology Group For Expert IT Support

Why Did This Real Estate Firm Choose To Outsource Their IT Support?

Are you having trouble hiring the right people for your internal IT team?

As demand for skilled workers skyrockets and the available supply continues to diminish, the prospect of staffing an internal IT department becomes more and more difficult.

That’s why outsourcing your IT makes so much sense.

As the IT industry continues to grow, the number of skilled workers available to fill the many new positions isn’t keeping up with it.

That’s why cloud computing is one of the most in-demand technical skills in the country, more so than mobile app development and social media marketing. Furthermore, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that employment opportunities in the computer and IT sector will grow by 12% in the next ten years, far faster than the average expected rate of job growth.

The same goes for cybersecurity. As the fastest-growing sector of the IT industry, cybersecurity skills are in high demand. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be an adequate supply. Recent polling performed on behalf of Tripwire found even more troubling evidence.

93% of polled IT security professionals say the skills required to be a great security professional have changed over the past few years, which is making it harder to find properly skilled cybersecurity professionals.

Furthermore, 85% report their security teams are already understaffed, and only 1% believe they can manage all of their organization’s cybersecurity needs when facing a shortage of skilled workers. Lastly, 96% say they are either currently facing difficulty in staffing security teams due to the skills gap or can see it coming.

“When we formed, we knew we’d need outside tech support, because we didn’t have it internally,” says a staff member at this real estate firm.

This is why this real estate firm chose to outsource their IT support. Doing so meant choosing from the many outsourced IT companies active in their region…

Why Did This Real Estate Firm Choose Kraft Technology Group?

Kraft Technology Group was one of the first IT companies the staff at this real estate firm contacted. After reviewing our service offering and meeting with our team, they signed on as a client.

The Kraft Technology Group team quickly assessed this real estate firm’s IT needs and deployed a range of services, managing a series of key tasks:

  • Upgrading software
  • Networking their desktop computers
  • Establishing consistent and reliable backups
  • Migrating their data and apps to a new server

“Kraft Technology Group took all that on,” says a staff member at this real estate firm.

Kraft Technology Group Doesn’t Treats This Real Estate Firm Like A Small Client

It’s often the case that the big, squeaky wheel gets the grease when it comes to IT services. An IT company may tend to provide faster and more attentive support to bigger clients that log more billable hours and spend more money on their IT in general.

That’s not how Kraft Technology Group treats clients like this real estate firm. While this firm may be a relatively small organization with only a few employees and straightforward IT needs, they don’t feel at all overlooked or sidelined by our team.

Kraft Technology Group Makes Cybersecurity Simple For This Real Estate Firm

Email is an extremely common tool for hackers that attack unsuspecting businesses.

All it takes is one cybercriminal hacking into a staff member’s account to steal your data, compromise your business’s confidentiality, and worse. That’s why you need a team keeping an eye out for anyone trying to break into your staff’s inboxes.

Here’s a reminder of just how real email cybercrime is: this client recently reached out to us for help after they discovered one of their email accounts had been hacked.

They knew an unauthorized party had access to their email and needed to deal with it before they stole data or caused damage.

“Kraft Technology Group called and knew what to do,” says a staff member at this real estate firm.

Here’s how we managed this situation:

  • We immediately changed the user’s password to lock out the hacker.
  • We downloaded the last access logs to figure out where the connections were coming from and created conditional access rules to only allow logins from authorized locations.
  • We upgraded their cybersecurity with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for all of their users, ensuring a hacker would need more than a password to get in.

Thanks to our speed of service, this business faced minimal consequences in the wake of this attack. Our team continues to provide ongoing cybersecurity support and helps this business make sure they aren’t an easy target for a follow-up attack.

“They are helping us learn how to be safe in a very unsafe environment,” says a staff member at this real estate firm.

Kraft Technology Group Is Highly Responsive

Like any organization, this real estate firm is immediately affected by problems with its IT.

It’s such a crucial part of their operations that even a small problem or occasional lag can have considerable consequences. That’s why they need quick and effective support from their IT company, which is exactly what they get from Kraft Technology Group.

“No call is too small,” says a staff member at this real estate firm. “If we’re at all concerned, we can call them.”

The staff at this real estate firm knows they can rely on the Kraft Technology Group team for support. When they encounter an issue, they get in touch with us and get a response right away, helping to limit downtime and interruptions to their productivity.

“Their response time is great,” says a staff member at this real estate firm.

This Real Estate Firm Doesn’t Worry About IT

Working with Kraft Technology Group, the staff at this real estate firm is confident they made the right choice. They have an IT partner that directly manages everything IT-related in their business, and is always available when they need help.

It’s this quality of support that allows the staff at this real estate firm to focus on delivering the best possible experience for their clients. They don’t have to worry about their IT—they can trust that Kraft Technology Group is taking care of it.