Nashville Penetration Testing Services

You can’t afford to assume your cybersecurity is strong enough to protect you. You need to actively test your cybersecurity with comprehensive assessments like the penetration test, which is precisely why this local Nashville business got in touch with Kraft Technology Group.

Are you sure your data is safe?

If you’re reading this article, then you’re at least a bit worried it’s not.

That’s because truly effective cybersecurity is a matter of knowledge. Do you (and your employees) know what a phishing email looks like? Would you even know if you suffered a data breach? Do you know if your systems are properly defended right now?

According to recent statistics, probably not:

  • 32–33% of data breaches last year involved phishing or social engineering
  • The average time it took to identify a breach in 2019 was 7 months
  • 68% of business leaders feel their cybersecurity risks are increasing

This is why third-party cybersecurity testing is so important. By having an experienced IT company examine your cybersecurity from top to bottom, you can verify your cyber defenses’ effectiveness. That’s why this Nashville small business recently got in touch with our team:

“Hello, need to speak to someone about penetration testing of my small business.”

They sent us this message on our website’s 24/7 chat function — and that was all it took. We immediately followed up with them to find out more about their needs and explain how we could help them.

“I recommend you speak with one of our Client Service Representatives who can best answer your request and recommend possible options for moving forward. They will contact you within 24 hours at the most (1 business day), or sooner. Please don’t hesitate to visit our site and contact us again if you have any additional questions!”

Nashville Small Business Calls Kraft Technology Group For Penetration Testing

What Does Our Penetration Testing Do For This Nashville Small Business?

The penetration test is an authorized attack we execute on this small business’ and staff. It is one of the best ways to evaluate an organization’s security controls accurately.

In combination with a red team exercise (in which a full-scope attack simulation is executed to test organizational security), this double-checks every aspect of the small business’s cybersecurity posture.

Our penetration testing includes:

  • A team of security professionals probes the business’s defenses, looking for weaknesses that a hacker could exploit.
  • Our penetration testing team can also physically exploit the business’ systems in a uniquely tailored process for their organization.
  • We provide a complete review of findings that will help them prioritize critical vulnerabilities for immediate remediation.

What Do You Get From Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing isn’t just meant to break into your systems and show you they’re not protected properly. A robust penetration testing service will note and track all potential vulnerabilities, and distill that data into a report you can use to fix them.

Make sure that whoever is conducting your penetration test will be preparing a report for your use after-the-fact. Ideally, they will meet with you to review the results, make recommendations, and even help facilitate any necessary upgrades.

Ready To Put Your Cybersecurity To The Test?

KTG will help you figure out precisely what you don’t know about your cybersecurity by conducting comprehensive penetration testing for your organization.

This proactive approach allows your business to counteract potential breach activities before they happen, by gaining a greater degree of transparency into your network activity. Regular penetration testing helps identify any potential gaps so they can be addressed before cyber criminals decide to invade your systems.

Want to get started? Here’s how:

  1. Get in touch with our team and arrange a free consultation at a time that works for you.
  2. Let us know what you’re worried about when it comes to cybersecurity.
  3. We’ll run our penetration testing processes to find your vulnerabilities.
  4. We’ll show you what we found and how to address any issues.
  5. You’ll enjoy the confidence that comes with knowing your cybersecurity was put to the test.