Find out the top 5 security controls you need to keep your business from becoming the next Equifax, with help from special FBI guest speakers and the top cybersecurity experts in Nashville and Middle Tennessee, Kraft Technology Group.

Did you hear about Equifax?

The Atlanta-based consumer credit score provider recently announced that they had been the target of a major data breach. This breach is thought to have occurred between mid-May and July of this year, with the breach finally being discovered on July 29th – so far, more than 143 million consumers have been affected.

It appears that the hackers responsible had exploited a US website application vulnerability to access information that includes names, Social Security Numbers, and drivers’ license numbers, as well as a few hundred thousand credit card numbers – it’s major breaches like these that show why working with the right cybersecurity experts in Nashville is so important.

Given the ever-evolving threat of cybercrime in light of incidents like the one involving Equifax, and the fact that October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, Kraft Technology Group will be hosting an upcoming Cybersecurity Lunch & Learn. This can’t-miss event will feature special agents from the FBI who will offer attendees practical strategies, with real-life examples, to help prevent business from becoming the next victim of a catastrophic

Top 5 Cybersecurity Controls To Keep Your Business From Being The Next Equifax

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM (CDT)

Nashville, TN


The event — which will include lunch and giveaways — will host three key guests:

  • Scott Augenbaum, Special Agent, FBI: Special Agent (SA), Scott E. Augenbaum, of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, started his career with the FBI in the New York Field Office in 1988 as a support employee.  In 2006, he was transferred to Nashville and managed the FBI Memphis Division Computer Intrusion/Counterintelligence Squad in Nashville. Over the past eleven years, he provided hundreds of computer intrusion threat briefings with the goal of educating the community on emerging computer intrusion threats and how to not to be the victim of a data breach.
  • Victor Rodriguez, Special Agent, FBI: Special Agent (SA), Victor Rodriguez, of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, worked as an embedded engineer in satellite communications, telecommunications, and networks. Victor started with the FBI in 2005 as Special Agent in Cybercrime, specializing in computer intrusions. Assigned to the Memphis Division in the Nashville RA, Victor deals with local and state companies, assisting them with issues arising from domestic and international intrusions.
  • Don Baham, President, Kraft Technology Group: Don Baham, is president of Kraft Technology Group, LLC (KTG), an affiliate of KraftCPAs PLLC. KTG offers a wide range of services, including managed IT services, managed IT security, technology strategic planning, virtual CIO services, network engineering, ongoing network support, and cloud solutions. Within his role, Don is responsible for delivering IT strategic planning, performing virtual CIO services, and the development of client relationships.  Don is a past President of InfraGard Middle Tennessee Members Alliance and a graduate of the FBI Citizens Academy.

The reality is that there is a malware epidemic going on in the world today – but just how bad is it? Or in other words, just how necessary is the help of cybersecurity experts in Nashville?

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, after all, so to get an accurate diagnosis, turn to the researchers at Malwarebytes, who spent six months collecting detailed statistics on a wide range of malware threats. Their findings covered more than 200 countries, with data from over 100 million Windows and Android devices and nearly 1 billion malware detections.

The focus of the study was on six major threat categories – ransomware, ad fraud malware, android malware, botnets, banking Trojans, and adware. The results make a convincing case for working with cybersecurity experts in Nashville.

Unsurprisingly, ransomware topped the threat list as the favorite method of attack against businesses, with just under 400 different variants cataloged in the fourth quarter of 2016 alone. Between June and November of that year, the rate of ransomware incidents went up a staggering 267%. Worldwide, 12.3% of all businesses targeted by cyber threats were hit with ransomware.

Across the pond, Asia and Europe saw a spike in botnet activity. The rate of Kelihos botnet attacks went up by 960% in October 2016 alone. The IRCBot went up 667% in August 2016, and the Qbot went up 261% in November 2016. Germany seems to be the most affected by this trend, with overall botnet activity in the country going up 550% between 2015 and 2016. Europe as a whole is the most malware-riddled continent, averaging 20% more infections than North America, and 49% of all ransomware infections globally happened in Europe.

So what do these statistics mean for your business? For starters, they paint a very clear picture of just how dangerous ransomware is. It’s all but inevitable that your business will be targeted by some form of malware if it hasn’t been already.

This doesn’t mean your business has to become a victim. There are many security precautions you can put in place to reduce or even eliminate the chances of malware finding its way inside your systems successfully, and steps you can take to minimize the damage done if you do become infected.

The good news is that you don’t have to handle any of this on your own – Kraft Technology Group is proud to be the cybersecurity experts in Nashville that will ensure your business is more than prepared to deal with the ongoing threat of malware, no matter what shape it takes.

Without the necessary protections and precautions in place, a business hit by a malware infection will likely never fully recover. Lost productivity, lost profits, and the damage to your business’ reputation are huge hurdles to overcome. Preparing today in anticipation of tomorrow’s disaster might be the only thing that makes it possible to keep your doors open – but only if you keep up with the ever-evolving threat of malware.

Want to learn more about the steps you can take to protect your business against threats like the many common types of malware? Contact us Kraft Technology Group at or (615) 600-4411 right away to connect with the best cybersecurity experts in Nashville.