Doing Business In Europe? If So...

Then You Must Comply With GDPR Starting On May 25th.

GDPR Webinar
GDPR Training

Are you ready for the EU's huge data privacy shake up?

That's right. General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR comes into effect on May 25th. Even if your business is located outside of the EU, if you do business in the EU, or make products, services and yes, even information available to anyone in the EU, then you must be compliant with GDPR.

Don't worry...

We'll help strip away some of the complexities around GDPR and answer some of your tough questions surrounding what you need to know to be in compliance with these new EU standards for data privacy.

We'll cover:

  • Introduction to GDPR
  • The Regulation in Depth
  • What If Scenarios
  • Today's Roadmap
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Resources
  • What is GDPR?
  • Preparation
  • Your Questions